How your Asp.Net application Speek !!!

Hi Friends ,
                  Some time we need to convert convert Text to Speech . for this you should use System.Speech namespace provides a managed wrapper for the Speech API (SAPI). In this namespace you can find classes not only for Text-To-Speech but for Speech Recognition as well. All you have to do is add a reference to it from your project . here i am show you how to simple convert text to speech but in my next blog i will show how to get infomation from any source i.e url or text file and get the sound file .

use this namespace    

using System.Speech.Synthesis; 

static void Main(string[] args)
            SpeechSynthesizer synth = new SpeechSynthesizer();
            synth.Speak("Welcome to itneeds4u");
            synth.Speak(" for fruther details check out to Rajesh's Blogs only 4 you!!!");
