Predefined Functions in SqlServer

Hi friends
               here are the predefined function in SQL Server 2005 which helps you in your programming .

Mathematical Functions

Select abs(-55) -- output will be 55 Get absolute value
Select ceiling(55.3) -- output '56' get round the value
Select Floor(45.8) -- output '45' get round the value
Select Exp(0) -- get a exponential value of '0' that is 1
Select Round(225.245874,3) -- output 225.246000 round a value after the no.of digit.

Trignometric Functions

Select Sin(0) -- get sin value of '0' that is 0
Select Cos(0) -- get cos value of '0' that is 1
Select Tan(0) -- get tan value of '0' that is 0

String Functions

Select Ascii('A') -- Output '65' get Ascii value of 'A'
Select Char(97) -- output 'a' get char value of 97
Select Reverse('REVERSE')-- output 'ESREVER' get the reverse value of string
Select Substring('Hello World',3,5) -- output 'llo w'
Select Stuff('world',2,5,'welcome') -- output 'wwelcomorlde' Here 2 --> Start Position 5 --> Replace Char Length
Select Replicate('hello ',3) -- output 'hello hello hello ' its repeat a Value 3 times Here 3 --> No.of Times
Select Replace('abcdefgh','de','xy')-- output 'abcxyfgh'
Select Ltrim(' hello ') -- output 'hello ' remove a space in front of the string
Select Rtrim(' hello ') -- output ' hello' remove a space in end of the string

Date Functions

Select GetDate()--Get Current Date
Select Dateadd(dd,2,getdate())--Add 2 days from Current Date
Select Datediff(dd,'1985-05-06','2005-06-09') --Get Date difference between those days
Select Datepart(dd,getdate()) --get a date only from currentdate

System Functions

Select db_id('master')-- Get order of that Database
Select db_name(4)--Get a 4th order of name in a database
Select isdate('02/31/2005') --Date is availabe or not Here output comes '0' or '1'
Select isnumeric(15s) --Value is numeric or not Here output comes '0' or '1'

Aggregate Functions

Count() --> Get Total Count of Row
Max() --> Get a Maximum value of a Column
Min() --> Get a Minimum value of a Column
Avg() --> Get a Average value of a column
Sum() --> Get Total Value of a Column 

Hope this will helps you